If you work in automotive circles, it’s probable that you will have heard of Webasto, but until now we’ve not really been a household name.

With the launch of our EV charging solutions more and more people will begin to discover how credible they are but may still wonder who we are? Well, here’s a quick rundown about our history and why choosing a Webasto EV charger is definitely the right thing to do.

We have been family owned since being established in 1901 and are very proud to retain that status today. Our headquarters are near Munich but we now operate from more than 50 locations across the globe with our UK headquarters based in Doncaster.

Known for developing, manufacturing and marketing automotive roofs and convertible roofs together with heating and cooling systems and now charging solutions and battery systems for EV’s, we are one of the top 100 suppliers in the automotive sector worldwide. Last year we reported sales of EUR 3.48 billion.

It is perhaps our overall business strategy that has been pivotal to our success and which acts as a driver for ongoing and future growth and diversification. Our dual strategy of ‘strengthening’ and ‘participating’ means that we develop our existing core fields and diversify into new fields that complement our existing portfolio. Adept at global project management we work with OEMs across the globe and our extensive development expertise and know how in the field of electronics, has been intrinsic to our success.
To that end, supporting the global shift toward electric vehicles, both from a manufacturing and consumer perspective, was a natural succession for us.
Our Webasto Pure Black and Webasto Live high performance charging solutions offer the highest quality and safety so that users have complete peace of mind. And, the technology has already been future-proofed as our Live version can be controlled via an app, integrate into smart home technology and is OLEV accredited.

We believe that the future of motoring lies in electrification and we are proud to support car manufacturers and consumers with reliable products that benefit from German engineering and built on a company heritage that we believe speaks for itself.